Cuba will restrict travelers from Mexico as of January 1


Mexico is part of a list of nations classified by the island’s authorities as areas with a high prevalence of COVID-19.

Cuba will restrict the arrival of travelers from half a dozen countries with a high prevalence of COVID-19, whose presence triggered an increase in cases on the island in recent weeks.

A report from the official Cubadebate portal published on Monday indicated that entry into the country of people from Mexico, the United States, Panama, Bahamas, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic will be restricted as of January 1.

No details were offered of how the decrease will be operated, but it was indicated that “the Cuban Civil Aeronautics authorities readjust the necessary details with the airlines,” the page said.

The situation will normalize once conditions improve, authorities added.

The measure is in addition to the decision announced on Friday to require a negative diagnostic test for COVID-19 as of January 10 for travelers arriving in the country and that will be added to the protocol that includes carrying out another test on arrival and home quarantines.

According to Cubadebate, in the last few weeks, 71 percent of the people detected with the new coronavirus had arrived from abroad or were in contact with travelers.

Since the beginning of November, when airports on the island were reopened after almost eight months of paralyzed international flights, 3,780 cases of COVID-19 have been detected.

The situation is worrying given that Cuba had managed to control the increase of the pathogen in a relative way after detecting it in March and having a re-outbreak in August.

The authorities recognized the cost of having the country closed and the economy paralyzed. According to official figures, the island’s Gross Domestic Product fell 11 percent this year, a situation that added to losses of more than 5.5 billion dollars due to the US sanctions that increased during the term of the outgoing President Donald. Trump.

To date, 11,205 cases of the new coronavirus and 142 deaths have been detected in Cuba since the start of the pandemic in March.


Mexico Daily Post