Julio Ramón Menchaca Salazar is officially Hidalgo’s new governor-elect

Julio Ramon Menchaca Salazar

Julio Ramón Menchaca Salazar, from the PT- Morena and Nueva Alianza coalition, will be the new governor of Hidalgo, according to the latest update of the Hidalgo 2022 Preliminary Electoral Results Program, which reached 100% of the tally sheets computed on Monday, June 6th.

At 09:37 (local time), the count of captured tally sheets was definitively completed, as 3,978 were analyzed and recorded. In these 2022 Elections in Mexico, the state of Hidalgo registered citizen participation of 47.58%. In total, one million 60 thousand 990 votes were cast in the state on Sunday, June 5th.

The candidate Julio Ramón Menchaca obtained 653,181 votes, that is, 61.56% of the preferences. The PREP of Hidalgo definitively confirmed that the now-former official will be the new governor of the state, as he obtained more than 60% of the votes.

In second place was Alma Carolina Viggiano Austria, from the PAN-PRI-PRD coalition, with 31% of preferences and 332,484 votes. Francisco Berganza, from Movimiento Ciudadano and José Luis Lima, from Partido Verde Ecologista de México, were in third and fourth place, respectively, according to the final count.

Source: AS

Hidalgo Daily Post


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