Mushroom Festival to be held near Pachuca, at the El Guajolote ecotourism ranch


The PIMVS El Guajolote Ecotourism Ranch hosts the seventh edition of the Mushroom Festival, which will take place from August 23 to 25. There will be conferences, a bicycle ride, contests, traditional games, artistic events, an exhibition, a sale of crafts and a gastronomic pavilion.

The inauguration will be next Friday, August 23, at 5 p.m., at the main entrance of the ranch. It will begin with a tour of the artisan and gastronomic pavilions, where there will be an offer of wild edible mushrooms that are collected on the ranch, from the yellow mushroom to the broom and other varieties.

There will also be a conference on mushroom picking, traditional game contests: slingshot, card game, xoma and hopscotch; in the forest there will be a bicycle ride and the artistic tour “Tales of my mountains”, in addition to the race with a cause “running for Álvaro López”, of 6 and 11 kilometers in the free and master categories, male and female.

Source: lasillarota