Complaints of sexual harassment have been confirmed at Tec de Pachuca


PACHUCA, HIDALGO.- Students from the Tecnológico de Pachuca carried out a strike to report alleged irregularities, including sexual harassment.

Two students from the Technological Institute of Pachuca (ITP) reported sexual harassment against them in May and June of this year, according to Natividad Castrejón Valdez, head of the Secretary of Public Education of the State of Hidalgo (SEPH).

On the morning of this Monday, September 25, ITP students organized a strike to publicly denounce abuse of power and harassment to the detriment of female students, as well as various irregularities within the educational institution.Photo: Luis Soriano

In this regard, the secretary of the SEPH indicated that the matter of the student strike was notified to the Tecnológico Nacional de México (TecNM), which depends on the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) since it is a federal institution.

The secretary reported that since last year, two students from the Tec de Pachuca approached the SEPH to discuss cases of sexual harassment. Which was reflected in two official complaint reports dating from May 12 and June 14.

For this reason, Castrejón Valdez said that the Secretary of Education of Hidalgo sent two letters addressed to Luciano Concheiro Bórquez, Undersecretary of Higher Education of the SEP, to inform him of the situation and to act in accordance with its protocols.

However, Castrejón Valdez indicated that until now she did not know if the federal authorities gave a formal response regarding those letters. Finally, he trusted that the Tecnológico de Pachuca conflict would be resolved.Photo: Luis Soriano

On Tuesday, September 26th, about 50 students from the Pachuca Technological Institute (ITP) blocked access to the campus after they indicated inaction in cases of harassment, and that there are no sanctions from the board headed by Miguel Ángel Lee Rodríguez.

On September 21, the ITP issued a statement to indicate that a worker did not harass a young student, as he justified that at that time he was in a meeting due to what he described as mere rumor.

The students blocked the entrance, preventing access to teachers and work, this was the result of a conflict they had with teachers accused of harassment and threats to the student community.

They hope that more young people who call themselves independent students will join the movement.

Source: El Universal

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