April 30th: Feliz Día del Niño!


Since 1925, Día del niño, or the Day of the Child, has grown as an annual celebration throughout Mexico. This day recognizes children, pays homage to their importance in society, and endorses their well-being.

How does Mexico celebrate Día del Niño?

In Mexico, Dia del Niño (Children’s Day) takes place each year on April 30, and it’s a big deal! Many parents buy their children a gift, and schools hold big celebrations, complete with games, candy, music, performances, piñatas, and much more.

Children’s Day is a commemorative date celebrated annually in honor of children, whose date of observance varies by country. In 1925, International Children’s Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare.

Every year, people all over the world dedicate a day to celebrate children with games, food, and music. In Mexico, the holiday takes place on April 30 and is called Día del Niño (Spanish for Children’s Day). Teachers or families organize fun activities and games at home or at school.

Children’s Day is not a public holiday. It falls on Sunday, April 30, 2023 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Mexico.

Smile – it’s Children’s Day in Mexico!©iStockphoto.com/JBryson

Celebrate Children’s Day

Schools host special events inviting parents to celebrate and share Children’s Day with students. Parties are held and children take part in activities like face painting, story-telling, art workshops, and plays.

Public Life

Children’s Day is a national observance in Mexico.

About Children’s Day

Children’s Day has been celebrated annually in Mexico since 1925. Children are recognized as an important part of society so the day focuses on the importance of loving, accepting, and appreciating children.


Mexico Daily Post