The orphaned children will receive scholarships to support them with their studies, reported the head of the capital’s DIF, Esthela Damián
The general director of the capital DIF, Esthela Damián, reported that 2,731 minors lost their fathers, mothers or guardians in Mexico City due to COVID-19, which is why they will be supported with a scholarship.
“The work is being carried out immediately so that once they give us their documents virtually, we can deliver the support and they are also being added to the program,” she explained.
The Leona Vicario scholarship is given to 33,500 children, including 2,731 minors who lost their parents as a result of the virus.
Esthela Damián explained that orphaned minors also receive the Benito Juárez Scholarship that delivers 1,600 pesos every two months, for five bi-months and this support will be in addition to the Leona Vicario scholarship.

The Leona Vicario scholarship is an economic support of 832 pesos per month, and also provides psychological, dental, and recreational services for minors who lost their parents.