“United for Tlaxcala” a coalition that intends to oppose MORENA in the state congress


Mexican political parties PRI, PAN, PRD, Partido Alianza Ciudadana, and Partido Socialista reported that the coalition seeks to generate counterweights to oppose Morena and its political allies in the 2021 elections.

The PRI, PAN, PRD, Alianza Ciudadana and Socialist Party parties formalized the United for Tlaxcala coalition (Unidos por Tlaxcala) before the Tlaxcalteca Elections Institute (ITE), to confront Morena and his allies in the 2021 elections.

Gobernador de Tlaxcala Marco Mena Rodríguez (Archive)

Tlaxcala has been governed by the PAN, PRD and PRI in recent years, with the administrations of Mariano González Zarur and the current governor Marco Mena Rodríguez (both from PRI).

“Today we have taken a great step in the construction of a political project that will allow our state to continue on the path of growth. We are strengthened and united in an alliance that years ago was unthinkable, but given the current circumstances that the country is experiencing today, we reached agreements that unite and allow us to undertake projects in favor of citizens and institutions ”, the political parties signed in a statement.

The official registration of the coalition took place on Wednesday, December 23rd, in the afternoon, and according to the five political institutes, their decision to join together seeks to generate counterweights, “because it is the responsible sum of wills that go against polarization, together, let’s defend the institutions and rights of the Tlaxcalans”, the statement says.

“The undersigned believe in a great common cause that is the integral development of Tlaxcala, we have experience, vision, and direction,” the statement continues.

Photo: Diario de Colima

“For this reason, we join the great project of building together, with a long-term, comprehensive, sustainable and participatory vision, a state with the same opportunities for security, well-being, and growth, turning it into a great pole of progress to have better conditions of a lifetime; we are on the way to making our state great, we are United for Tlaxcala ”, they conclude in their statement.

These types of coalitions are going to be more and more frequent throughout the country especially in the states where new governors will be elected in 2021. Political parties have realized that in order to have a chance to defeat MORENA in the polls, they have to run together.

Source: El Universal

Tlaxcala Post


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