Zacatecas woman manages to give birth before dying from Covid-19


ISSSTE doctors submitted a cesarean section to a woman who was intubated for covid-19 to extract her baby, who weighed 1.3 kg and tested negative for coronavirus.

Doctors induced the labor of a 30-year-old woman who was seriously ill from covid-19, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the ISSSTE Hospital in Zacatecas. Sadly, the mother passed away days later.

The woman was 30 weeks pregnant and intubated, so seeing that her health was deteriorating, the doctors decided to provoke the birth of the baby so as not to put her life at risk. The baby was born totally healthy, weighing one kilo 300 grams.

The obstetrician-gynecologist, Berenice Talamantes Luján, was the one who performed the cesarean section and stated that ten days ago the woman arrived at the hospital with a respiratory condition related to the symptoms of covid-19. She was admitted to continue caring for her seven and a half month pregnancy.

Days later, the disease complicated her state of health and she had to be intubated, but by presenting low saturation levels, the baby’s life was being put at risk, so the cesarean section was planned and “thus each would fight their own battle for separated ”, said Talamantes Luján.

“It was a surgery that lasted 40 minutes, it was very complicated due to the patient’s conditions, by the ventilator, since these patients have anticoagulants and during surgery they bleed a lot. It was difficult for everyone, because an intubated patient is more contagious than a stable covid-19 patient, ” she indicated.

Disinfection of the entrances to the General Hospital of the ISSSTE in Zacatecas. 
Photo: Twitter @UlisesMejiaH_

She said that the baby was tested for SARS-Cov-2 and the result came out negative, however, he considered that when he was a few days old, he should have another test done, to be sure that he was not infected.

“The cesarean section was a success, the baby remains in intensive care. The mother was sent to a covid-19 area where, unfortunately, she died two days later”, the doctor concluded.

Source: Proceso

Zacatecas Post


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